Our Aims
- To decide on state and private land ownership under the Lank Settlement Ordinance No. 20 of A31.
- Under the Registration of the Act No. 21 of 1998, creating awareness among state officers and communities, property investigations, investigations of documents available in the Land Registry , Calling applications for title claims, investigation into title, recommendation, approval and taking decisions on title and publication of such decisions in the Government Gazette.
- Investigations into title claims by strengthening institutional capacity, taking decisions on them and performance of land settlement activities efficiently and effectively.
- Increasing the efficiency of registration of title by means of running title investigation offices at regional level which function property.
- Taking action to seek public cooperation and to win public confidence in all the instances of title investigations and decision taking.
- Development and maintenance of an efficient and reliable information system on land ownership.
- Maintenance of efficient administrative and accounting systems